Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR) Plan 20-50, is a plan to extend the City of Winnipeg’s existing land use decision-making and boundaries to include Springfield. Plan 20-50 has been negotiated, and led by non-elected officials, without public input or approval. The final document was created in secret meetings. For the most part, it was kept under the radar, by design, by its authors. Mayor Therrien, acting independently, voted for Plan 20-50 at 1st Reading without consulting his ratepayers. Nor did he receive approval from Springfield Council Members.
Springfield residents are beginning to realize they have not been well informed on the significance on the 20-50 legislation that could force Springfield to gradually merge with the City Of Winnipeg.
We held a Referendum / poll vote which allowed Springfield Residents to let councilors know whether or not they want to become a suburb of Winnipeg.
Final count: 3,500+ votes were cast; Over 98%+ of voters said NO to Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR) Plan 20-50
We sent out and distributed 10,000 copies of this hand-out which describes in more detail the Plan 20-50. With the above results, residents were clearly not in favour.